Catalog / Photoshop Cheat Sheet for Graphic Designers

Photoshop Cheat Sheet for Graphic Designers

A comprehensive cheat sheet for graphic designers using Adobe Photoshop, covering essential tools, techniques, and keyboard shortcuts to enhance workflow and creativity.

Core Tools & Navigation

Selection Tools

Marquee Tool (M)

Selects rectangular or elliptical areas.

Lasso Tool (L)

Freehand selections. Polygon Lasso for straight lines.

Magic Wand Tool (W)

Selects areas based on color similarity.

Quick Selection Tool (W)

Paints a selection using edge detection.

Object Selection Tool (W)

Automatically select an object inside a defined region.

Navigation & Zoom

Zoom Tool (Z)

Magnifies or reduces the view.
Ctrl + '+' to zoom in.
Ctrl + '-' to zoom out.

Hand Tool (H)

Drags the image within the window.

Fit on Screen

Ctrl + 0 (zero)

Actual Pixels

Ctrl + 1

Essential Keyboard Shortcuts


Ctrl + Z

Step Forward

Ctrl + Shift + Z

Step Backward

Ctrl + Alt + Z


Ctrl + C


Ctrl + V


Ctrl + X


Ctrl + S

Layers & Adjustments

Layer Basics

New Layer

Ctrl + Shift + N

Duplicate Layer

Ctrl + J

Delete Layer

Select layer, then press Delete key.

Merge Layers

Ctrl + E (Merge Down), Ctrl + Shift + E (Merge Visible)

Group Layers

Ctrl + G

Ungroup Layers

Ctrl + Shift + G

Adjustment Layers

Non-destructive image adjustments.

Common Adjustments:

  • Brightness/Contrast
  • Levels
  • Curves
  • Exposure
  • Vibrance
  • Hue/Saturation
  • Color Balance
  • Black & White
  • Photo Filter

To create an adjustment layer, go to Layer > New Adjustment Layer or use the Adjustments panel.

Blending Modes

Controls how layers interact with each other.

Common Blending Modes:

  • Normal
  • Multiply
  • Screen
  • Overlay
  • Color Dodge
  • Color Burn
  • Difference
  • Exclusion

Cycle through blending modes with Shift + '+' or Shift + '-' while a layer is selected.

Color & Retouching

Color Adjustments

Hue/Saturation (Ctrl + U)

Adjusts the hue, saturation, and lightness of specific color ranges.

Color Balance (Ctrl + B)

Adjusts the balance of colors in shadows, midtones, and highlights.

Curves (Ctrl + M)

Adjusts the tonal range of an image with precise control.

Levels (Ctrl + L)

Adjusts the brightness and contrast of an image by modifying the distribution of tonal levels.

Black & White

Converts a color image to grayscale with customizable color mixing.

Retouching Tools

Spot Healing Brush Tool (J)

Removes blemishes and imperfections by sampling surrounding pixels.

Healing Brush Tool (J)

Paints with sampled pixels to repair imperfections.

Clone Stamp Tool (S)

Paints with a sample of an image.

Content-Aware Move Tool (J)

Allows moving or extending a selected object to another area of the image, and Photoshop fills the gaps.

Patch Tool (J)

Repairs imperfections in a selected area using pixels from another area or a pattern.

Brush Tool

Brush Tool (B)

Paints brush strokes. Adjust size, hardness, and blending modes.

Increase Brush Size

] key

Decrease Brush Size

[ key

Increase Brush Hardness

Shift + ] key

Decrease Brush Hardness

Shift + [ key

Filters & Effects

Common Filters

Blur: Gaussian Blur, Motion Blur, Radial Blur
Sharpen: Unsharp Mask
Distort: Wave, Twirl, Shear
Noise: Add Noise
Pixelate: Mosaic
Render: Clouds, Lens Flare

Filter Gallery

Access a variety of artistic and special effects filters.

Filter > Filter Gallery

Layer Styles

Accessing Layer Styles

Double-click a layer in the Layers panel, or right-click and choose Blending Options.

Common Styles

Drop Shadow, Inner Shadow, Outer Glow, Inner Glow, Bevel & Emboss, Color Overlay, Gradient Overlay, Stroke

Copy Layer Style

Right-click layer > Copy Layer Style

Paste Layer Style

Right-click layer > Paste Layer Style