Telnet Cheat Sheet
Telnet Cheat Sheet

A quick reference guide to using Telnet, covering basic commands, connection management, and security considerations. This cheat sheet provides a concise overview for network troubleshooting and remote access tasks.

SFTP Command Cheat Sheet
SFTP Command Cheat Sheet

A quick reference guide for Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) commands, covering basic operations, file management, permissions, and advanced usage.

Text Processing Tools Cheatsheet: grep, sed, awk
Text Processing Tools Cheatsheet: grep, sed, awk

A quick reference for using grep, sed, and awk for text processing in Linux/Unix environments, covering essential commands, options, and syntax with practical examples.

File System Tools Cheatsheet (Linux)
File System Tools Cheatsheet (Linux)

A comprehensive cheat sheet covering essential Linux file system tools like `ls`, `cp`, `mv`, and `rm`, including options, examples, and best practices for efficient file management.

Git Cheatsheet
Git Cheatsheet

A concise reference for Git commands and concepts, ideal for quick lookups and reminders.

Tcsh Shell Scripting Cheatsheet
Tcsh Shell Scripting Cheatsheet

A comprehensive cheat sheet for Tcsh shell scripting, covering syntax, commands, and best practices to help you write effective and efficient scripts.

Bash Scripting Cheatsheet
Bash Scripting Cheatsheet

A concise reference for Bash scripting, covering essential syntax, commands, and best practices.

Linux Command Line Cheat Sheet
Linux Command Line Cheat Sheet

A quick reference guide to essential Linux command line shortcuts and commands for efficient navigation and system management.

tmux Cheatsheet
tmux Cheatsheet

A comprehensive guide to using tmux, the terminal multiplexer. This cheatsheet covers essential commands, session management, window and pane manipulation, and customization options to enhance your workflow.

Curl Comprehensive Cheatsheet
Curl Comprehensive Cheatsheet

A comprehensive cheat sheet for Curl, covering essential commands, options, and examples for effective command-line data transfer. Includes authentication, request types, data handling, SSL, and more.

SCP Cheatsheet
SCP Cheatsheet

A comprehensive guide to using Secure Copy (SCP) for transferring files between systems, covering essential options, usage examples, and security considerations.

Sed Text Manipulation Cheatsheet
Sed Text Manipulation Cheatsheet

A comprehensive cheat sheet for the `sed` stream editor, covering essential commands, syntax, and use cases for text manipulation.

GNU Grep Cheat Sheet
GNU Grep Cheat Sheet

A comprehensive cheat sheet for GNU grep, covering essential options, patterns, and usage examples for efficient text searching in files and streams.