DevOps & Cloud Cheatsheets

Consul Cheatsheet
Consul Cheatsheet

A quick reference for Consul, covering key concepts, CLI commands, configuration, and best practices for service discovery, health checking, and configuration management.

Google Cloud Platform (GCP) DevOps Cheatsheet
Google Cloud Platform (GCP) DevOps Cheatsheet

A comprehensive cheat sheet for DevOps engineers working with Google Cloud Platform (GCP). This guide provides a quick reference to essential GCP services, commands, and best practices for implementing DevOps principles in the cloud.

Puppet Cheatsheet
Puppet Cheatsheet

A comprehensive cheat sheet covering essential Puppet concepts, syntax, and commands for effective infrastructure management and automation in DevOps and Cloud environments.

GitLab CI/CD Cheatsheet
GitLab CI/CD Cheatsheet

A comprehensive cheat sheet for GitLab CI/CD, covering essential concepts, syntax, and best practices for automating your software development pipeline.